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The CHemistry Instrument Review and Assessment Library (CHIRAL) aims to identify assessment instruments used in the chemistry education community by systematically reviewing available literature. Along with basic information metadata, such as the topic and format of an instrument, each instrument cataloged in CHIRAL will include a brief overview of the validity and reliability evidence available from the developers as well as other studies that have used the instrument. This overview will be accompanied by an in-depth synthesis of the evidence available in the literature via expert reviews. This panel of experts will write a summary report for the instrument to aid users in selecting the most appropriate assessment instrument for a given context. Additionally, key principles of validity and reliability within the overview and expert reviews will be hyperlinked to a dynamic glossary of information. This glossary will summarize and reference existing quality resources that explain commonly used psychometric terminology and methods in a standardized format that scaffolds from basic to advanced topics. To support the value of CHIRAL to the chemistry education community, users will have multiple lines of opportunity to provide formative feedback on CHIRAL features.